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Star Trek: The Motion Picture


Il pianeta Terra è minacciato da una potente e misteriosa entità Aliena sconosciuta, che vi si sta avvicinando a grande velocità sotto forma di Nebulosa, lasciando dietro di sé una scia d'implacabile distruzione o disattivazione. Ne fanno le spese dei pericolosi incrociatori Klingon ed un avamposto terrestre, dissolti da sfere di energia (nella pratica scansionati e ridotti a mole di dati).

L' Ammiraglio Kirk, al quale viene riaffidata una missione stellare dopo alcuni anni trascorsi negli uffici dell Accademia della Flotta Stellare, riprende il comando della nave Enterprise, ampiamente rimodernata, demansionando il capitano titolare, Willard Decker.

Con l'equipaggio della serie classica riunito, cui si aggiunge una splendida aliena di Delta, calva, il tenente Ilia, l'astronave parte tra numerose difficoltà tecniche, ovviate dall'arrivo provvidenziale del Sig. Spok, il quale avrebbe percepito sin dal suo pianeta Vulcano un'entità di notevole intelligenza celata nell'oggetto.

Grazie alle capacità e ai poteri di Spock l'astronave viene risparmiata dalla distruzione; viene così concesso agli umani di entrare nella nebulosa, pagando però lo scotto di vedere il tenente Ilia dissolta e poi rimaterializzata sotto forma di Androide, riprodotta sin nei più minuscoli dettagli ma ora essere artificiale utilizzato come portavoce dall'entità aliena, che afferma di chiamarsi "V'ger" e di essere alla ricerca del proprio Creatore.

Si scopre alla fine che l'ineffabile alieno altri non è che l'antica sonda terrestre Voyager 6, partita centinaia di anni prima proprio dalla Terra: il Creatore con cui V'ger intende caparbiamente riunirsi, in altre parole, è l'umanità stessa. La minaccia viene scongiurata grazie all'ambizioso sacrificio di Decker, che accetta consapevolmente di "fondersi" con l'androide Ilia e l'entità aliena, così da consentire alla sonda Voyager di concludere la propria missione esplorativa in questo universo.



 Planet Earth is threatened by a powerful and mysterious unknown Alien entity, which is approaching it at great speed in the form of a Nebula, leaving behind a trail of relentless destruction or deactivation. The dangerous Klingon cruisers and a terrestrial outpost are paying for it, dissolved by spheres of energy (in practice scanned and reduced to masses of data).

 Admiral Kirk, who is entrusted with a stellar mission after a few years spent in the offices of the Starfleet Academy, resumes command of the extensively modernized Enterprise ship, demoting the titular captain, Willard Decker .

 With the crew of the original series together, which adds a beautiful alien Delta, bald, Lieutenant Ilia , the spaceship part of numerous technical difficulties, obviated providential arrival of Mr Spock , who would have received since its planet Vulcan an entity of considerable intelligence hidden in the object.

 Thanks to Spock's abilities and powers the spaceship is spared from destruction; humans are thus allowed to enter the nebula, but paying the price of seeing Lieutenant Ilia dissolved and then rematerialized in the form of Android, reproduced down to the smallest detail but now being artificial used as a spokesperson by the alien entity, which claims to be called "V ' ger " and to be in search of one's Creator.

 It turns out in the end that the ineffable alien is none other than the ancient terrestrial probe Voyager 6, which left hundreds of years earlier from the Earth: the Creator with whom V ' ger intends to stubbornly reunite, in other words, is humanity itself . The threat is averted thanks to the ambitious sacrifice of Decker , who consciously agrees to "merge" with the android Ilia and the alien entity, so as to allow the Voyager probe to conclude its exploratory mission in this universe.

Director's Edition Release Date: 11.06.2001

In 2271 an unknown, cloud-like entity descends upon several Klingon Vassels and destroys them. Having monitored the surprise attack, Federation space station Epsilon IX is still unable to prevent itself from becoming the next victim of this vast, mysterious energy cloud.

Meanwhile, on Vulcan, Spock  is preparing to undergo the rite of Kolinahr — the achievement of total Vulcan logic — and the purging of all remaining emotion. Just then Spock's human half stirs in response to the cloud entity, interrupting his meditation and forcing the Vulcan masters to withdraw Spock's admission to their ranks.

On Earth, the Enterprise is readying to investigate the cloud entity. Admiral Nogura is persuaded by Admiral Kirk to hand over command of the newly refit Starship Enterprise to him, superseding the vessel's present captain, W. DEcker, who is unhappy with this new situation. Arriving on board the Enterprise, Kirk requests that Dott. Leonard Mc Coy, retired now, be recalled into service as the starship's doctor. An unchanged, blustery Dr. McCoy comes aboard and replaces Dott. Chapel, who steps down out of respect. Also on board is a Deltan navigator, Ilia, who in the past was romantically involved with Will Decker.

In a tragic accident, two crew members are killed in a transporter malfunction — one of which was the new Vulcan science officer, Sonak..

The accident behind them, Kirk gathers much of the crew together to deliver a mission briefing, stressing the enormous power of the entity they are faced with. After a relatively uneventful departure from Earth's drydock facilities, the U.S.S. Enterprise is suddenly faced with a giant wormhole and Kirk, unfamiliar with the design of the new vessel, almost allows the wormhole to destroy the ship. The U.S.S. Enterprise escapes, however, and is hailed by a courier vessel bearing Kirk's new science officer. Overcome with joy at seeing Spock, Kirk is soon confronted with a cold, withdrawn stranger.

The starship eventually encounters the cloud-like being, yet the entity proves to be too strong, damaging the U.S.S. Enterprise on all levels and leaving the starship stricken. When Spock attempts to communicate with the cloud by sending messages of non-aggression, a probe is triggered and sent from the center of the cloud. The crew can only watch helplessly as the probe accesses the U.S.S. Enterprise's consoles and computers, accumulating data from all parts of the ship. In his attempt to stop the violation, Spock is attacked, whereupon the probe vanishes with Ilia.

The U.S.S. Enterprise is then seized by a tractor beam and pulled inside the cloud to a large chamber. Another probe, in the form of Ilia, appears and tells them that it has been sent by "V'Ger" to study the carbon-based units that "infest" the starship. Furthermore, the crew learns that V'Ger is on its way to Earth to join with its "Creator."

In an attempt to establish contact with V'Ger, Kirk trades on Decker's past association with Ilia and assigns Decker to work with the probe. The Ilia-probe tells him that the carbon-units will be patterned for data storage.

Deciding that the best method of gathering more data about V'Ger is directly from the source, Spock dons a Thruster suit  and leaves the ship. His incredible visual journey to the center of the cloud culminates when Spock sees images of everything that V'Ger has experienced. Spock tries to mind-meld with the life-form, but is short-circuited and barely makes it back to the U.S.S. Enterprise. Taken to sickbay, Spock informs Kirk that his mind-meld did allow him to learn that V'Ger is lonely and seeking to learn why it was created. Furthermore, it is learned that a machine planet built the cloud and craft that house V'Ger.

V'Ger arrives at Earth and signals its Creator. When there is no response, V'Ger blasts energy bolts at the planet in an attempt to rid it of all its carbon infestations. Forced to act, Kirk tells V'Ger he knows why the Creator has not answered. The Ilia-probe, interested by Kirk's remark, says it will cease its attack when Kirk explains. But Kirk replies he will answer to no one but V'Ger itself. With some trepidation, Kirk, Spock, McCoy and Decker are lead by the Ilia-probe outside the ship to the "brain" of V'Ger. At the center of the chamber, the Starfleet officers are surprised to discover that V'Ger is in reality a twentieth century Earth robot space probe. In fact, a mounted plaque looks as though it reads "Voyager VI."

Kirk and his crew discover that the probe disappeared into a black hole and emerged at the other end, crash landing on a planet inhabited by living machines. After repairing the probe, the machines then followed its programming — observe and transmit readings to NASA. Spock deduces that these living machines interpreted those long-ago orders as "Learn all that is learnable and return that information to the Creator."

When the U.S.S. Enterprise transmits old Voyager codes, the V'Ger transmits all of its information. Then, unexpectedly, V'Ger insists that the Creator come in person to finish the sequence. When he realizes that V'Ger wants to physically merge with its Creator, Will Decker volunteers. Decker and Ilia join together and merge into a glowing, non-corporeal entity, which disappears.

The U.S.S. Enterprise crew humbly realize that a new life form has just been created. The experience has left Spock more at peace with himself and he decides not to return to Vulcan. Kirk has command of his beloved U.S.S. Enterprise and McCoy is back in charge of sickbay.

Having witnessed events suggesting that "the human adventure is just beginning," Kirk commands the starship out to space for a real shakedown cruise and future missions.